Another one of my favorite parts of designing is advertising. Creating high-quality ads with amazing copywriting can help companies gain new customers and attract their current customers to try out a new product they have to offer. I had fun here coming up with some ads for companies such as McDonald's, Del Monte, Barnum Animal Crackers, Dodge, and Blockbuster. 
Here is the very first ad I designed for McDonald's. I'm showing how I started with my initial sketch and how I dove deeper to get my vision out on my final design. Have a McMornin'! #WeMissAllDayBreakfastToo
First sketch.
Final design.
Here is an additional ad for McDonald's I created. At the time, McDonald's had just released their #MenuHacks menu, and I instantly had a vision for it! Things got a little glitchy!
Teamed up with a classmate to create an ad campaign for Del Monte using the New Wave/Punk style. My partner's role was to pick the brand and theme, my role was to pick the design style and create the visual design, and we both flexed our copywriting skills on our respective ads.
The goal of this ad was to change the target audience using a dead brand. My dead brand of choice was Barnum Animal Crackers which is normally intended for children, I wanted the new target audience to be vegans, so I went green! This just so happen to be around St. Patty's Day and made it 10x better! I don't know about ya'll but one thing I always hear vegans say when they are trying to introduce people who aren't vegan to try a dish without any meat is it...
Another dead brand I wanted to create an ad for was Blockbuster! As a 90s baby, this was one of the best places in the world to go as a kid. Honestly, Blockbuster can make a comeback if they market and rebrand themselves right. I decided to take a shot at Netflix (I love Netflix) with this ad, using Ghostbusters movie as my theme to play into my copywriting. I think I'm going to develop a case study for a mobile app for Blockbuster, who knows maybe they'll return.
Having fun with ads and copywriting, I decided to create an ad for one of my favorite vehicles, the Dodge Nitro! I had this vehicle and loved it. With car companies going electric, I thought it would be fitting based on the name to come up with an ad for an electric Dodge Nitro!
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